Josh Schiavone
Pantheon - Insecure Camera Parser


NOTICE TO USERS OF "PANTHEON" - Insecure Camera Parser

This Ethical Notice is issued by Josh Schiavone, the developer and distributor of the open source cybersecurity tool known as "Pantheon." Pantheon has been designed and developed solely for educational purposes, with the intent of promoting responsible cybersecurity practices and fostering a better understanding of network vulnerabilities.

Users should not be employing Pantheon for unauthorized and illegal purposes, specifically in accessing insecure cameras without proper authorization and viewing live feeds without consent. I would like to emphasize that such actions could be prohibited and in violation of applicable laws and ethical standards in varying countries.

The developer hereby notifies all users of Pantheon that the tool must be used responsibly, ethically, and in compliance with all relevant legal regulations. The unauthorized access and viewing of private camera feeds can be seen as a breach of privacy and may lead to serious legal consequences.

We explicitly state that:
Pantheon is intended for educational purposes only and should not be used for any illegal or unethical activities.
Unauthorized access to private cameras and viewing live feeds without proper authorization is strictly prohibited.
Users are expected to adhere to all applicable local, national, and international laws and regulations governing cybersecurity and privacy.

Just because Pantheon provides you with the ability to access insecure cameras, does not mean that you should act maliciously and view live feeds unless you are certain it is unprohibited in your location. Even though, this information is publicly available, it is still seen as a grey area in privacy law. Ford provides you with a car to drive, but not to run people over. I ask that you simply use your brain while doing IoT reconnaissance with Pantheon.

The developer disclaims any responsibility for the misuse of Pantheon for illegal activities.